Are You Drifting?

I remember so clearly the moment the Lord spoke these words to me: 

Don’t compartmentalize Me.”

So often, we compartmentalize our lives—family, work, education, church, spirituality, and so on. The issue arises when we start compartmentalizing God, too. But the truth is, He wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives. Whether it’s our vocation, relationships, or daily tasks, everything should be Christ-centered. The more we abide in Him, the more we begin to see His hand in every situation.

Jesus reminds us in John 15:5 that apart from Him, we can do nothing. We must never forget that success isn't achieved by our own strength or efforts. True success comes from abiding in Christ, and that starts with prayer. Prayer is the way we stay aligned with God, drawing closer to Him, and tapping into His guidance, peace, and purpose for our lives.

Are you feeling disconnected or adrift? Is prayer something that has become an afterthought? I want to encourage you to view prayer as the key to unlocking the abundant life God has designed for you. As you seek Him, He will lead you with purpose and fill you with His peace. If you’re struggling to pray, I invite you to pray this simple prayer:

Lord God, I want to know You more. I want to live the life You’ve planned for me. I feel disconnected and distant, but I ask You to speak to me. Open my eyes to see, my ears to hear, and my heart to receive all that You have for me. Thank You. Amen.

Remember, God loves you, and He is for you. He is always near, making Himself known through His Spirit. His grace in your life is a precious gift. How are you responding? When you choose to trust Him, you’ll see His blessings flow to and through you in ways that are more beautiful than you could imagine.


Do You Need a Breakthrough?