Do You Need a Breakthrough?

I want to encourage you today. Are you in a desperate place? Are you needing a major breakthrough?

Trust this truth…

Whether breakthrough and transformation come quickly or slowly, God's timing is perfect. He alone knows how much time you need to learn how to carry what He has in store for you. Trusting God and following through in obedience is what brings real success in every area of life, no matter your vocation. Mother Teresa was once told that she always seemed to have clarity. Her response was this,

"I have never had clarity. What I have always had is trust." 

Quite often clarity comes in hindsight. As you seek God and walk with Him, His work in your life, and in the lives of those around you will become evident. A life submitted to Christ opens your heart and mind to the beauty of what He has prepared for you. Will you submit?

You must remember, God desires our obedience. This isn't to earn favor—it's a reflection of our trust in Him. True obedience comes from a surrendered and willing heart. You are not a puppet but a vessel—alive and active, guided by the Holy Spirit. You have a role in God’s divine plan.

When you abide in communion with God daily, He will take you to new levels of faith and blessing. However, if you resist His will you could delay or even block those blessings. Obedience is a declaration of our trust in God. If you really trust Him, you will obey Him. Though not always easy, it is simple. 

As we draw near to God in prayer, we can rest assured He will draw near to us. Let’s purpose to walk in obedience, bearing fruit, and proving to be Jesus’ disciples. 

"By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples." – John 15:8 (ESV)

How have you seen God's work in your life after walking in trust and obedience? Share your experience with me here.


He Already Knows


Are You Drifting?